Media Profiles
The data published on the website, including media profiles, are retrieved from official databases. In case of finding a mistake or inaccuracy in the primary source or in the material prepared by us, which is based on official sources, contact us at ( and we will update the data based on the relevant evidence. Detailed information about the corrections policy is available here.

Sezoni TV
Sezoni TV LLC was registered on March 16, 2021, received a broadcasting license on April 22, and began broadcasting on June 15. The owner and the director of Sezoni TV is Giorgi Kandelaki, an individual entrepreneur. Giorgi Kandelaki, the owner and director of the broadcaster, is a former ...
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TV Imedi
Imedi TV was founded on December 24, 2001 and it began broadcasting on March 15, 2003. The TV channel broadcasts countrywide and along with a general broadcasting license (№B16), it also owns a satellite license.The channel was founded by late tycoon Badri Patarkatsishvili, who held executive positi...
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Rustavi 2
Rustavi 2 broadcasting company was founded in the city of Rustavi in 1994 and it has gradually turned into national television. It owns a B9 license.During the 2003 Rose Revolution, the TV channel became a key platform of alternative opinion for political opposition; however, its editorial policy ha...
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Maestro TV was created on the basis of Studio Maestro in 1995. Initially, both the studio and the channel produced only entertainment programs, which were aired by Channel 1 and Channel 2 of public television and later by Pirveli Stereo and Evrika TV channels. In 2008, Maestro’s broadcasting l...
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Channel 1 - Public Broadcaster
Channel 1 of the public television was founded in 1956 and then transformed as Channel 1 of Georgian Public Broadcaster pursuant to the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting adopted in 2004.According to Article 15 of the Law on Broadcasting, for the purpose of providing the public with diverse programs tha...
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Channel 2 - Public Broadcaster
Channel 2 of the Georgian Public Broadcaster was created on the basis of Channel 2 of the public television, which launched broadcasting in 1991.Channel 2 is an analog to C-Span (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network), which provides live coverage of the Parliament’s plenary sessions, committ...
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Ajara TV
The Adjarian Public Broadcaster was created as a result of amendments made to the Law on Broadcasting on December 25, 2013 and on the basis of the Adjarian Television and Radio Company founded in 1987.The governing bodies of the TV compare are the Advisory Board and the Director General.The Advisory...
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Kavkasia TV was founded in 1994. Initially, the channel had a broadcast license covering only Tbilisi and nearby areas. But as a result of the digital switchover, the TV channel expanded its broadcast range and starting from February 1, 2016, along with the Tbilisi multiplex, it also carries out bro...
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GDS TV was founded in June 2012. Initially, it was named VTV and the channel was wholly owned by Vladimer Shengelia, technical director of Channel 9 TV. A month later the channel simultaneously changed its name and owner. Bera Ivanishvili, ex-Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili’s son, became 10...
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TV Company "Tabula "
Tabula TV began broadcasting in January 2013 after it purchased television frequency in 2012 and obtained a private broadcasting license. The TV channel was founded in 2010 by Civil Development Fund, as noted on the organization’s website, with financial support of rightist businessmen with li...
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Palitra News
Palitra News, a part of Palitra Media Holding, obtained B135 license following its authorization and started broadcasting on November 30, 2015.Palitra News is an information channel wholly owned by Kviris Palitra. The latter was founded by Irakli Tevdorashvili (75%) and Zaza Buadze (25%).Palitra Med...
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TV Pirveli
Sports channel TVS opened its 2015 autumn season with a new name Pirveli TV and offered public-political programs to its audience. The channel changed its status and moved from specialized broadcasting to general broadcasting. Sports still remains the channel’s priority, but some journali...
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Iberia TV
Iberia TV was founded in 1996 and initially it was owned by private persons, as well as JSC Georgian Post Bank. Later, Omega Motors Ltd became one of the owners of the TV channel. Since 2013 the television has been wholly owned by Benmontia Ltd. In 2004, the prosecutor’s office lau...
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Ertsulovneba TV was founded in 2008 and initially it was wholly owned by Irakli Shiolashvili until 2010, when the TV channel’s ownership was transferred to the Georgian Patriarchate. From 2008 to 2013 Ertsulovneba used to broadcast by renting a frequency from Evrika TV. After suspending E...
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TV company "Kvemo Kartli"
Kvemo Kartli TV was founded in 1998. The TV channel owns three frequencies and covers the entire region: Rustavi, Marneuli and Bolnisi. The TV channel is owned by JSC Kvemo Kartli TV and Radio Company; the latter has the following shareholders: Roland Mgaloblishvili (85%) and Merab Tkeshelashvi...
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Channel 9
Channel 9 TV with a legal name Empire Ltd was founded in 1998. The channel has a private/general broadcasting license (B33); it is based in Akhaltsikhe and covers the municipalities of Akhaltsikhe, Adigeni and Aspindza.Presently, the owners of Channel 9 TV in Akhaltsikhe are: Nugzar Kachkachishvili ...
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TV channel ''Tanamgzavri''
Tanamgzavri TV was founded in 1991. The TV channel broadcasts in the Telavi Municipality and its vicinity. Tanamgzavri TV owns private/general broadcasting license (B25).The TV channel is owned by Maria Grishikashvili (40%), Davit Mania (40%) and Enri Kobakhidze (20%). The TV channel changed hands i...
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TV channel 25
TV Channel 25 was founded in Batumi in June 1993 and it provides information to the Adjarian population. The TV channel owns private/general broadcasting license and it covers Batumi, Kobuleti, Khelvachauri, a part of Ozurgeti district and the coastal line from Sarpi to Poti. Presently, t...
See moreTele-Radio Press Company "Zari"
TV Radio Press Company “Zari” was founded in 1989 and it broadcasts in Samtredia and partially in some other cities. The channel owns private/general broadcasting license B43 (broadcasting channel: VHF 4) and it covers Samtredia, partially Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Abasha, Vani ...
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TV Companiy "Dia"
The TV Company Dia broadcasts in Khashuri and its vicinity; it owns private/general broadcasting license (B31).Until December 2004, the channel was owned by Davit Lomidze (58.5%) and Archil Nozadze (41.5%). From November 2011 the shares were redistributed between Davit Lomidze (58.5%) and Guram Gogo...
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TV Radio Company "Trialeti"
The TV and Radio Company “Trialeti” was founded in Gori in 1990. The channel owns private/general broadcasting license (B56) and it broadcasts in the Shida Kartli region. The channel also covers the conflict zone – Akhalgori, Tskhinvali and its adjacent area. In 2013 Trialeti TV op...
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Metskhre Talga
სამაუწყებლო კომპანია ”მეცხრე ტალღა” 2000 წელს ფოთში დაფუძნდა. არხი კერძო/საერთო ტეემაუწყებლობის ლიცენზიით (B27) სარგებლობს და ფოთსა და მიმდებარე ტერიტორიებს - სენაკი, ჩხოროწყუ, გალი, ზუგდიდი, ლანჩხუთი - ფარავს.„მეცხრე ტალღა“ ადგილობრივი რადიოსადგურის - რადიო „ჰარმონიის&...
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Broadcasting Company "Guria"
სამაუწყებლო კომპანია “გურია” 1991 წელს ოზურგეთში დაფუძნდა. არხი კერძო საერთო ტელემაუწყებლობის ლიცენზიას (B22) ფლობს და გურიის რეგიონში მაუწყებლობს.ტელეკომპანია „გურია“ „მზერა-TV“-ისა (51%) და ხათუნა სიორიძეს (49%) ეკუთვნის. „მზერა TV“-ის აქციათა მფლობე...
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Radio "Utsnobi"
Radio Utsnobi LLC was first registered under the name of Georgian Cultural Wave on 17 February 2004.Radio Utsnobi is the holder of B70 licence permitting a general broadcasting in Tbilisi on FM 98,1.The founders of the radio were Giorgi Asanishvili (33 percent), Vasil Janikashvili (33 percent), Gior...
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"Pirveli Radio"
Pirveli Radio is a private company which, since 30 December 2011, is owned by Vasil Kobaidze who simultaneously holds 65% of shares in Pirveli Stereo. 14 days before (December 16, 2011) the owner of Pirveli Radio was Chemexim International Ltd, the company registered in Marshall Islands, simult...
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Newspaper "Rezonansi"
Rezonansi is a Georgian daily newspaper and its first edition came out in 1990. It includes the following sections: politics, economy, society, culture, foreign countries and sports. The newspaper also offers its Monday edition “Business Rezonansi”.The newspaper was founded by Malkhaz Ra...
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Newspaper "Asaval-Dasavali"
The newspaper Asaval-Dasavali was established on 3 March 1992. It is a weekly paper published every Monday. The owner of 100 percent of the shares in the newspaper is Lasha Nadareishvili who also acts as the editor-in-chief.According to the report of Transparency International Georgia, Lasha Nadarei...
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Alia Holding
Alia Holding LLC was established in 1966 and includes the newspapers Alia and Kviris Kronika. Alia is published four times a week whilst Kviris Kronika is a weekly edition.The owner of 100 percent of shares in the holding is Giorgi Bregvadze.The newspapers pursue a xenophobic and homophobic editoria...
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Newspaper "Kronika +"
Since 2013, Media Holding Kronika + has been registered to its 100% owner and editor, Eliso Kiladze.Eliso Kiladze has made a number of scandalous statements and accused senior officials of manipulating with secretly recorded videos; in particular, she accused former Deputy Interior Minister Gela Khv...
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Newspaper "Sakartvelos Respublika"
A weekly newspaper Sakartvelos Respublika was established in 1918.During the Soviet period, the newspaper was published under the name “Komunisti”. At present, the editor of Sakartvelos Respublika is Tanadgoma-1 LLC and 100 percent of shares in it is owned by Marina Kandelaki.Among print...
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Newspaper "Kviris Palitra"
A weekly newspaper “Kviris Palitra” was founded in 1996 and it comes out on Mondays.The newspaper was the first publication of the Palitra Media Holding, which later expanded and today it unites a number of publications and distribution networks. Palitra Media Holding owns both televisio...
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Newspaper "Qartuli Gazeti"
The newspaper Qartuli Gazeti was founded in October 2015. Its first edition was released on November 18, 2015. The weekly newspaper comes out on Wednesdays and it covers a number of spheres, including politics, society, culture, sports, religion, press digest, etc.The newspaper is wholly owned...
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Georgia First -
Online media Sakartvelo Upirveles Kovlisa (Georgia First) was registered in the Public Registry in September 2022. According to the registry, Vakhtang (Vato) Shakarashvili was appointed as the Director of the organization. Nikoloz Zedgenidze serves as Chairman and the board member, with ...
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Tbilisi 24
About “Tbilisi 24”: News agency Ltd “Tbilisi 24” was recorded in the Public Registry on 26th March 2015. As a result of the changes of 2019 April, Maia Shaishmelashvili was replaced by Vladimer Bedukadze, one of the leaders of the Centrists party, who became the owner of...
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POS TV is a government-affiliated online television. Starting from May 1, 2018, four programs of POS TV (Night Show, Media Rentgeni, Political Detector and Conservatoire) have been aired on Maestro TV. Shalva Ramishvili, Nika Laliashvili, Nugzar Rukhadze, Valerian Gorgiladze and others participate i...
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The Facebook page Politicano is a medium with links to Yevgeny Primakov Russian-Georgian Civic Center. The Center was founded by the Gorchakov Fund, which was established under the Russian President’s decree, and the Georgian Institute for International relations....
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Information agency was registered in Public Register in May 14, 2013. Holder of the 100 % share of the company is its director Giorgi Kartvelishvili. Agency has been publishing materials on the web-site since May, 2014.On the parliamentary elections 2016, the agency has registered 3 405 ...
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Interpressnews ( was founded in 2002 and it is one of the largest news agencies in Georgia.The news agency, which is part of Media Palitra Holding, has changed hands several times. As of February 2015, shareholders of News Ltd are: Zaza Buadze – 12%; Irakli Tevdorashvili – 46%; Gi...
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The news agency Pirweli (PIA) was established in November 2006. It is associated with the name of the current Member of Parliament from the Georgian Dream, Ani Mirotadze. In 2010, 100 percent of the shares in the news agency was owned by Levan Mirotadze; in 2013, the agency was registered in the nam...
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Reportiori belongs to Reportiori LLC which is owned by Nugzar Popkhadze (50%) and Giorgi Mamatsashvili (50%).In the Soviet period, Nugzar Popkhadze, at various times, worked as the secretary of central committee of the communist party, the director of state TV and Radio Corporation and later, the...
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A web portal Marshalpress appeared in media space on February 18, 2015. is issued by Marshalpress Ltd, which, as of 6 May 2015, was wholly owned by Otar Stepanishvili, former journalist from Info 9. As a result of changes carried out on November 24, 2015, the s...
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The owner of 100 percent of shares in the news agency Sakinfomi LLC is the editor-in-chief of the edition Arno Khidirbegishvili. During the Soviet period, Sakinformi was a state owned agency; then, in the first years of independence of Georgia, it was subordinated to the Administration of President ...
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The founder of the newspaper Georgia and World and its online-edition is LTD Historical Heritage, that belongs to Taras Gagnidze. Historical Heritage was registered in the public register on January 28, 2009. The newspaper Georgia and World has been published since then.According to D...
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Sputnik-Georgia LLC was officially registered in the Public Registry of Georgia on 23 January 2015. However, this main media platform of Russian propaganda in Georgia, as well as in other countries, was first presented by the news agency Russia Segodnia on 10 November 2014.Sputnik is a multimedia in...
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Patrioti TV
Patrioti TV is an internet platform of the Eurasian Choice and the society Erekle II, which broadcasts via its own YouTube channel and the Facebook page since 2015. These organizations support Georgia’s integration into Russia and pursue an openly pro-Russian policy.The host of Patrioti TV pro...
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Info 9
The news agency Info 9 was registered in the Public Registry of Georgia on 1 May 2012, under the name of “Channel 9 Info LLC”. The owner of 100 percent of shares in Channel 9 Info LLC was Channel 9 LLC. The director of the latter was Kakha Bekauri (currently, a member of the Georgian Nat...
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Alpha Dominant
Alpha Dominant is a video blogger, who posts sexist and discriminatory videos. Alpha Dominant’s Facebook page has 19 345 subscribers (as of June 19, 2018) and according to the information posted on it, it manages closed Facebook groups “Antiliberalebi” and Alpha Dominant group....
See moreწინააღმდეგობა / Resistance
“წინააღმდეგობა/Resistance” is an ultranationalist Facebook page, which mostly disseminates xenophobic, especially Turkophobic messages. The given page is one of the mediums of the Georgian March and tries to mobilize audience around the events planned by the movement. The page actively d...
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