Media Profiles

#32 Megobroba Ave, Rustavi


TV company "Kvemo Kartli"

Kvemo Kartli TV was founded in 1998. The TV channel owns three frequencies and covers the entire region: Rustavi, Marneuli and Bolnisi. 

The TV channel is owned by JSC Kvemo Kartli TV and Radio Company; the latter has the following shareholders: Roland Mgaloblishvili (85%) and Merab Tkeshelashvili (15%).

Roland Mgaloblishvili was a member of the Georgian Parliament in 2003-2004; Merab Tkeshelashvili was the Mayor of Rustavi till 2006.

Compared to other regional TV channels, Kvemo Kartli TV received the greatest amount – GEL 313 980 for airing budget-funded ads in 2015; however, it has declared GEL 255 821 on the website of the Georgian National Communications Commission.

October 20, 2014 -  Board of trustees: Roland Mgaloblishvili (Chairman), Eter Jolia, Malkhaz Alborashvili

December 21, 2012 - Shareholders: Roland Mgaloblishvili 34,1%, Davit Khamashuridze 50,8%, Merab Tkeshelashvili 15%, Board of trustees: Roland Mgaloblishvili (Chairman), Eter Jolia, Malkhaz Alborashvili

August 5, 2004 - Board of trustees: Roland Mgaloblishvili (Chairman), Eter Jolia, Mirian Liparteliani 

February 17, 2003  - Board of trustees: Mirian Liparteliani (Chairman), Eter Jolia, Nika Maghlaperidze

June 27, 2001 - Shareholders: Roland Mgaloblishvili 55,5%, Davit Paichadze 32,5%, Nika Maghlaperidze 12%, Board of trustees: Roland Mgaloblishvili (Chairman), Nika Maghlaperidze, Guram Burdiladze (JSC TV Company Kvemo Kartli)

February 14, 2001 - Davit Paichadze 32,5%, Roland Mgaloblishvili 55,5%, Nika Maghlaperidze 12%

October 3, 2000 - Davit Paichadze 32,5%, Roland Mgaloblishvili 30,5%, Nika Maghlaperidze 12%, Eter Jolia 25%

March 13, 2000 - Davit Paichadze 32,5%, Roland Mgaloblishvili 30,5%, Nika Maghlaperidze 12%, JSC Business Center Hotel Rustavi 25%

December 24, 1999 - Davit Paichadze 50%, Roland Mgaloblishvili 38%, Nika Maghlaperidze 12%

March 9, 1998 - Davit Paichadze 15%, Koba Dzlierishvili 14%, Oleg Ugrekhelidze 21, Aleksandre Tsivtsivadze 15%, Nika Maghlaperidze 20%, Roland Mgaloblishvili 15%

YearTotal commercial income GNCC dataPublic Funds
2017221 515 GEL185 522 GEL  (as of November 15)
2016286 326 GEL 179 996 GEL
2015255 821 GEL313 980 GEL



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