Media Profiles

წინააღმდეგობა / Resistance

“წინააღმდეგობა/Resistance” is an ultranationalist Facebook page, which mostly disseminates xenophobic, especially Turkophobic messages. The given page is one of the mediums of the Georgian March and tries to mobilize audience around the events planned by the movement. The page actively disseminated information on the events organized by the Georgian March – for instance the celebration of “Didgoroba” on August 12, anti-immigration rally on Agmashenebeli Avenue, gatherings demanding the erection of the statue of David Agmashenbeli in Batumi etc. The audience of წინააღმდეგობა/Resistance exceeds 10,000 (as of August 16, the page has 10,701 followers). Batumi regional page of “Resistance” – ბათუმი/Resistance Batumi – launched on August 10. This page proclaims the development of national right power in Batumi a its mission.“Resistance” – ბათუმი/Resistance Batumi published the information about the beating up of the priest one day earlier, on August 14.

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