Georgian public broadcaster is the legal entity of public law (LEPL) founded on the basis of Georgian Law on broadcasting.
Governing bodies of Georgian public broadcaster are: a) Board of Trustees, b) General Director.
Channel 2 of the Georgian Public Broadcaster was created on the basis of Channel 2 of the public television, which launched broadcasting in 1991.
Channel 2 is an analog to C-Span (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network), which provides live coverage of the Parliament’s plenary sessions, committee hearings and also offers live broadcasting to political parties. The Georgian Public Broadcaster, the Parliament of Georgia and political parties are cooperating in frames of the memorandum signed in February 2010 and renewed in 2013.
Channel 2 of the Georgian Public Broadcaster also airs news programs in Armenian, Ossetian, Azerbaijani and Abkhazian languages as a part of content related obligation defined by the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting.
Georgian public broadcaster is the legal entity of public law (LEPL) founded on the basis of Georgian Law on broadcasting.
Governing bodies of Georgian public broadcaster are: a) Board of Trustees, b) General Director.
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