June 17, 2010 - Present - Ramaz Gamezardashvili 77,4%, Tebro Gaprindashvili 13,6%, Omar Machavariani 9%
1994-2010 - Ramaz Gamezardashvili 54,8%, Tebro Gaprindashvili 13,6%, Davit Kupatadze 13,6%, Omar Machavariani 9%, Giga Pxaladze 9%
June 17, 2010 - Present - Ramaz Gamezardashvili 77,4%, Tebro Gaprindashvili 13,6%, Omar Machavariani 9%
1994-2010 - Ramaz Gamezardashvili 54,8%, Tebro Gaprindashvili 13,6%, Davit Kupatadze 13,6%, Omar Machavariani 9%, Giga Pxaladze 9%
Year | Total commercial income GNCC data | Public Funds |
2015 | 81 296 GEL | 42 630 GEL |
2016 | 110 756 GEL | 62 579 GEL |
2017 | 60 501 GEL (as of November 15) |
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