Media Profiles

Ninoshvili str. #7, Chiatura, 5500

+995 0479 256111

TV Broadcasting Company ''Imervizia''

June 17, 2010 - Present - Ramaz Gamezardashvili 77,4%, Tebro Gaprindashvili 13,6%,  Omar Machavariani 9%

1994-2010 - Ramaz Gamezardashvili 54,8%, Tebro Gaprindashvili 13,6%, Davit Kupatadze 13,6%, Omar Machavariani 9%, Giga Pxaladze 9%



Total commercial income GNCC data

Public Funds

201581 296 GEL

42 630 GEL

2016110 756  GEL62 579 GEL
2017 60 501 GEL (as of November 15)

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