About Project

The website was created by Media Development Foundation in the framework of The East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) Advancing CSO Capacities and Engaging Society for Sustainability (ACCESS) project. The portal was updated in 2023 with the financial support of the European Union and co-funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), in the framework of the project “Quality media and conscious media consumption for resilient society (ConMeCo)”. 

The purpose of the website is to consolidate media-related research, important events, and media profiles in one space.

The unified electronic database, along with research findings, will make available periodically updated materials on media financial transparency, various thematic studies and international practices.

Correction Policy

The data published on the website, including media profiles, are retrieved from official databases such as the National Agency of Public Registry, the Informational-analytical Portal of the Communications Regulatory Commission, the State Procurement Agency, the Online System of Public Officials' Property Declarations and other official sources.

In case of finding a mistake or inaccuracy in the primary source or in the material prepared by us, which is based on official sources, contact us at (info@mdfgeorgia.ge) and we will update the data based on the relevant evidence.

The Media Development Foundation will correct the identified inaccuracy/mistake in a commensurate manner, which entails clearly informing the reader of the inaccuracy/mistake by making changes to the same link used to distribute the original disputed content. The corrections should clearly show the changes made to the original content. The updated information will be distributed in all the same forms and channels as the original.