
8 October, 2019

Financial Transparency of Media-2018

The Media Development Foundation (MDF) releases annual reports to explore the financial media environment  – sources of media financing, including the practice of allocating budgetary funds for adver...

31 January, 2018

Financial Transparency of Media 2017. Final report

The intent behind the present study is to explore the financial revenues of media organizations as well as to probe the practice of allocating public funds for advertisement and dissemination of info...

8 November, 2017

Pre-Election Financial Media Environment 2017

The intent behind the present study is to explore the financial revenues of media organizations as well as to probe the practice of allocating public funds for advertisement and dissemination of info...

4 April, 2017

Financial Transparency of Media, 2016

The intent behind the present study is to explore the financial revenues of media organizations as well as to probe the practice of allocating public funds for advertisement and dissamination of info...

21 December, 2016

Practice of Imposing Administrative Sanctions on the Coverage of Public Opinion Polls in the Pre-election Period, 2016

This monitoring report reflects the practice of responding by the Georgian National Communications Commission (GNCC) and courts to violations of the legislative requirements for the coverage of publi...
