Violation of the balance in case of Maestro

Two materials prepared by Maestro TV about Paata Burchuladze, leader of a new political subject State for People, are based on tabloids Marshalpress and Prime Time.
The June 2 story “Burchuladze‟s Property” (at 8:14pm) cites Marshalpress news agency as its source. The latter, in turn, refers to the Facebook status of Bondo Mdzinarishvili, host of Obiektivi TV‟s talk show. Although the material published by Marshalpress has not been researched and rechecked by the news agency, the author of the TV story claims that Marshalpress counted Paata Burchuladze‟s property, while the publication is based on tens of documents from the public registry. The video footage also highlights the title of the article ran by Marshalpress19 .
The TV story offers no rechecked data about how real the facts provided in the Facebook status are, according to which Burchuladze owns tens of property assets, or what particular documents from public registry were enclosed. Balance has a formal nature, because the story involves only Paata Burchuladze‟s remarks, according to which neither his identification card, nor his name and surname coincide with real ones. The editorial board did not recheck either this statement by Burchuladze, or the documents from the public registry indicated in the materials of Marshalpress, some of which have been uploaded several times. One of the public registry‟s documents reflects not the issue of ownership, but the case of leasing from the Tbilisi self-governing unit.
Following the ownership issue, the story develops in a quite different direction and tells about mutual accusations concerning the links with the National Movement.