Factual inaccuracy in Rustavi 2's coverage of public opinion poll

The June 28 story “Political Ratings” was about the results of the poll fielded by German-American company GFK for Rustavi 2 TV.
When covering the poll, the TV channel comprehensively named 10 out of 11 compulsory requisites envisaged by legislation; the remaining one was named partially, as it did not name the company, which fielded the poll. According to the story aired by GDS TV, GFK commissioned the company BCG to field the poll; its director is the wife of Levan Tarkhnishvili; the latter is a member of the opposition United National Movement. The fact that Rustavi 2 did not name in its story the company which fielded the public opinion poll was also mentioned by Zurab Japaridze, chairman of New Political Center Girchi, who declares mistrust to the survey. The story also provides the comments made by those representatives of Georgian Dream and other political parties, who declare mistrust to the survey; it also contains Zurab Japaridze‟s allegations related to the activities of GFK in Ukraine. According to the poll commissioned by Rustavi 2, there is minor difference in ratings of Georgian Dream ((22,4%) and United National Movement (21,7%), while NDI‟s study13 show 5% difference.