Video Fabrication of Exclusive News about Sandra Roelofs based on Russian Media

24 August, 2016 | Editorial Policy

Materials Published in the Media

On August 21, an informative-analytical portal, Exclusive News published a video titled Scandalous Video about Sandra Roelofs’ Business. The video came with a short description that it had been published by the Head of the State Security Service of Ukraine and pictures in details Sandra Roelofs trading with human organs.

Also on August 21, an information agency Times News published the same video and article titled Scandalous Video about Sandra Roelofs: How She Trades with Human Organs (see video).

The article says that “fellow party members are concerned that Sandra Roelofs exports human organs in the West. She launched this business in Georgia during the presidency of her husband.”


Short Description of the Video

The video shows an incognito respondent who sits with the back to the camera and claims being a member of the State Security Service of Ukraine. According to him, he was engaged in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) and with the aim of providing security was attached to the medical group that aimed to transplant human organs, as plenty of warriors expressed wish to use their organs for transplantation after death. A professional transplantation expert, Elisabeth De Brück, aka Ellis, was working together with the medical team. Elisabeth De Brück introduced a new practice in the team, namely the extraction of organs from the wounded warriors without their consent. The organs were stored in special containers and sent to crematorium. An unidentified individual claims that Ellis often received calls from abroad. “We will try, Sandra” – she was responding to the calls. According to the unidentified individual, Sandra – the spouse of the former President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili – is the real organizer of the mission.


Origin of the Footages used in the Video

The video shown by Exclusive News was uploaded on the official Youtube channel of information agency СЛОВО ( on September 23, 2015. The claim of Exclusive News that the video has been published by the Head of the State Security Service of Ukraine is false.

After a comprehensive check of the video, it became known that the video was also uploaded on November 5, 2015 with the title КРОВАВЫЙ БИЗНЕС НА ДОНБАССЕ (Bloody Business in Donbass) by a user GenadiyPeskov.


Video Montage

Apart from the unidentified individual, the video shows footages that picture deceased people, as well as surgeries and human organs.

For instance, 7:05 pictures a footage:

We can see the same footage in the article and video from June 4, 2015 of an informative-analytical portal Юго-Восток (South-East). The reportage of Юго-Восток pictures the exhumation of four deceased soldiers of Ukrainian Armed Forces and transfer of their bodies to the Ukrainian territory for identification in Dnepropetrovsk Morgue.

Another footage can be seen in the video at 6:07, where the unidentified individual states that organs were also retrieved from civilians, i.e. a 12-year old girl and her father (VladimerLiashenskiy – according to the unidentified individual, he saw his documents).

The given footage is a fragment from the video uploaded on Youtube on August 9, 2014 by a user Диванный партизан (Couch partisan). A video containing analogous footages was also uploaded later, on May 5, 2015 by an information portal Hunternews with the title: Трупыдетей, убитыхукраинскимикарателямиЛуганск 18+ (Corpses of children killed by Ukrainian chasteners, Luhansk, 18+).


About Exclusive News

Exclusive News published the video fabrication, montaged by Russian media in 2015, after one year, on August 21, 2016. On August 19, the United National Movement presented Sandra Roelofs as the majoritarian candidate in Zugdidi.

Exclusive News was registered on July 30, 2013 and DarejanLiparteliani is the owner of 100% of its shares.

Exclusive News published a homophobic material about the brother of the former United National Movement leader, Giorgi Vashadze and lost the case concerning it in the first instance of Tbilisi City Court. The edition also spoke against adoption of Anti-Discrimination Law and associated it with certain threats.

Prepared by Dali Kurdadze